Now I would like to share with blog readers the different websites one needs to catch up to get the latest information on IEEE.
1. – IEEE official website
2. - IEEE india council website
3. – IEEE USA website
IEEE has lot of benefits to offer to you. Every IEEE member has a myIEEE page from where you can join IEEE, renew membership, membership benefits and details on different societies and interests. Sources which has been of great use to me personally is IEEE TV ( , IEEE spectrum magazine ( and IEEE Xplore digital library ( . Though I have not been into my final year wherein I need to present a paper of IEEE standard, Xplore library has been a great guide.

IEEE community is like a ‘global village’ which opens up possibilities for interaction with colleagues from around the globe ( IEEE jobsite ( is of great help to professions and students alike. There is also Career-alert magazine. IEEE also offers awards and scholarships to its members for their achievements. There is an online program called IEEE mentoring connection which helps establish a mentoring partnership between its members ( is also IEEE Women In Engineering community which focuses on advancement of women in technical and scientific fields (
In addition to providing such technical knowledge IEEE also hosts a number of competitions wherein its members can showcase their talents and thereby even get international recognition. Couple of such competitions that are held every year are
· IEEE Humanitarian Technology Challenge (HTC) which focuses on how technology can used to serve humanity better (
· IEEE Xtreme programming competition which is 24 hour programming contest (
Considering these enormous number of benefits that IEEE has to offer to its members , I encourage lot more people especially students to be part of this global technical professional organisation.
P.S. Though IEEE is a professional organisation, it has always lend a helping hand to the humanity. The latest example being the relief provided for the flood victims in Pakistan (

In addition to providing such technical knowledge IEEE also hosts a number of competitions wherein its members can showcase their talents and thereby even get international recognition. Couple of such competitions that are held every year are
· IEEE Humanitarian Technology Challenge (HTC) which focuses on how technology can used to serve humanity better (
· IEEE Xtreme programming competition which is 24 hour programming contest (
Considering these enormous number of benefits that IEEE has to offer to its members , I encourage lot more people especially students to be part of this global technical professional organisation.
P.S. Though IEEE is a professional organisation, it has always lend a helping hand to the humanity. The latest example being the relief provided for the flood victims in Pakistan (