Moving on to the latest release from the series, taking the film in two part with importance given to picturising the movie very close to the book was one of the greatest tribute that can be given to Madam J.K.Rowling and fanatic Potter fans like me. Right from the part of moving Harry to "The Burrow" (Weasleys home), every minute detail was given full care by Director David Yates. Acting of Richard Fienes (Voldemort) really resembled the true nature of the character. Cinematographer,cameraman and other animation technicians deserve a great round of applause. The picturisation of "The tale of Two Brothers" on how the Deathly Hallows were created as a cartoon was really different.
On the prime characters, Harry was gr8 as usual, Ron put up a good show and Hermoine - I have no words :P :)
Just can't wait for the second part to be released. The icing on the cake would be that its on 3D :):):)
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